Master Student

Angus Monaghan

Department of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Hull


Research Interest


For my final year undergraduate project, I was part of a group of students that went on a trip with the Chemical Ecology Research Group to the Algarve in Portugal. While there, I conducted bioassays on the hermit crab Diogenes pugilator to observe their responses to predator odours and feeding cues, and the effect that ocean acidification had on these responses. The great experience I had undertaking the project and its relevance to current conservation inspired me to continue with research in this field.

My MSc research will study the effects of ocean acidification on social hierarchies and agonistic behaviour in the green shore crab Carcinus maenas and test their adaptive ability in acidified conditions. I hope my project will bring us greater understanding of the wider effects of ocean acidification, assist with conservation efforts and help to spread awareness of the threat that ocean acidification poses to biodiversity.


Brief CV

2021 – Present: MSc by Research: Biological Sciences – University of Hull

2017-2020: BSc Marine Biology – University of Hull